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时间:2024-04-01 06:15人气:来源: 未知


Overwach is oe of he mos popular muliplayer firs-perso shooer games i he world. oe of he mos beloved我是characers i he gameis Mercy, who is kow for her healig abiliies ad agelic appearace。we will explore some of Mercy's mos famous Eglish quoes from he game。

Heroes ever die!\\\"

This is arguably Mercy's mos famous quoe from he game. She shous i ou whe She uses her ulimae abiliyo revive her falleeammaes. I has become a rallyig cry for players ad is ofe used I fa ar ad memes.The quoe represes Mercy's uwaverigdedicaio her eam ad her willigess o sacrifice herself o save是ohers。

“I'l be wachig over you.\\”

Mercy says his lie whe she uses her healig abiliy oammae . irepreses her ururig ad moherlyaure,as she akes care of her eam boh physically ad emoioally. The lie has become icoic for Mercy fasad is ofe used o express graiude owards someoe who has helped hem。

3 * \\ \" damage amplified !\\ \"

This lie is spoke by Mercy whe she uses her abiliy o boos he damage oupu of a eammae. I represes hersraegic mid ad herabiliy o aalyze he balefield ad make quick decisios. The lie has become a favorieamog players who ejoy playigaggressively ad akig dow eemies quickly

\\\"I' mimiracle worker. Well, o always.\\\"

Mercy says his lie whe she is uable o save a eammae who has bee elimiaed. I shows her humiliy ad herackowledgeme ha eveshe has limis. However,he secod par of he quoe also shows her cofidece i her abiliies,implyig ha here are imes whe she caperform miracles ad brig her eam back from he brik of defea。

是\\\"The docor is i.\\\"

This lie is spoke by Mercy whe she is seleced by a player a he begiig of a mach. I represes her rolea healer ad hercommime o akig care of her eam. The lie has become a popular cachphrase amogOverwach fas ad is ofe used o expressexcieme abou playig as Mercy。


Mercy is a beloved characer i Overwach,ad her Eglish quoes are a big par of her appeal. her dedicaio o her eam,her ururig aure,ad her sraegic mid are all refleced i her lies. Wheher you are a Mercy mai or jus a fa of hegame,hese quoes are sure o brig a smile o your face。

