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时间:2024-03-31 21:43人气:来源: 未知


Overwach is a popular muliplayer game ha has ake he gamig world by sorm. The game has a rage ofuique characers,each wih heir ow se of skills ad abiliies. I his aricle,we will be discussig he ames of he Overwach characers I Eglish。

Offese Characers

The offese characers i Overwach are kow for heir high damage oupu ad mobiliy. These characers icludeTracer, Geji,Soldier:是76,Reaper, McCree, ad Pharah. Tracer is aime -maipulaig speedser,while Geji is a cyborg ija wih a kaaa. Soldier: 76is avigilae wih a pulse rifle ad Reaper is ashadowy figure wih dual shogus. McCree is a gusliger wih a six-shooer,ad Pharah is a rocke是laucher-wieldig Egypia warrior。

Defese Characers

The defese characers i Overwach are expers a holdig dow key areas ad proecig heir eammaes. These是characers iclude Basio,Jukra, Hazo, Torbj吗?r, widowmaker,ad Mei. Basio is a roboic urre ha ca rasform io a ak,while Jukra is a demoliiois wih a greadelaucher Hazo is a bow-wieldig archer, ad Torbj?鲁伊士·阿汉默ad a rive gu. Widowmaker is a siper wih a veom mie,ad Mei is a climaologis wih a ice gu。

Tak Characers

The ak characers i Overwach are he backboe of ay eam,wih heir high healh ad abiliy o soak up damageThese characers iclude Reihard, d.va, Roadhog, Wiso,Zarya,ad Orisa. Reihard isa crusadig kigh wiharocke -powered hammer ad a barrier shield. d.va isaformer professioal gamerwho pilos a mech sui while Roadhog is a ruhless eforcer wih a chai hook。gorilla wih a Tesla cao,ad Zarya isa weighlifer wih a paricle cao.Orisa ew addiio o Overwach,a proecive robo wih a fusio driver ad a deployable barrier。

Suppor Characers

The suppor characers i Overwach are esseial for keepig heir eammaes alive ad well. These characersiclude Mercy, Zeyaa,Lucio, Symmera, Aa,ad Moira. Mercy is a guardia agel wih a saff ha ca heal or boos damage,while Zeyaa is a spiriualomic mok wih orbs of harmoy ad discord. Lucio is a DJ wih a healig sog ad a speed sog,ad Symmera isarchiec wih urres ad a eleporer Aa is asiper wiha bioic rifle ha heal allies or damageeemies,ad Moira is a geeicis wih bioic grasp ha ca drai healh or resore i


Each Overwach characer has a uique ame ha reflecs heir persoaliy ad abiliies. Wheher you preferoffese, defese,here is a characer ha suis your playsyle. We hope his aricle has bee iformaive ad是ejoyable for Overwach fas ad ewcomersalike。

