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时间:2024-03-31 19:40人气:来源: 未知


游戏developed ad published by暴雪Eeraime. I wasreleased I 2014 ad has sicegaied a huge followig。是The game feaures a variey of cards, each wih is ow uique abiliies ad sas。we will provide you wih a comprehesive lis of all he cards i Hearhsoe。

Basic Cards。

The basic cards are he foudaio of every Hearhsoe deck. They are available o all players ad cao bedisechaed. There are133 basic cards i oal, ad hey iclude all he classes。

Classic Cards

The classic cards are he origial Hearhsoe cards ha were released whe he game firs lauched. They aresill available i hegame,ad may of hem are sill used i compeiive play. There are 245经典cards i oal,ad hey iclude all he classes。

Expasio Cards

Expasio cards are cards ha are added o he game i ew expasios. These cards are oly available hroughpurchasig packs fromhe expasio or crafig hem wih dus. There are currely 6 expasios i Hearhsoe,ad each oe adds a ew se of cards o he game。

Adveure Cards

Adveure cards are cards ha are added o he game hrough solo adveures. These cards are eared bydefeaig bosses i headveure ad are ofe uique ad powerful. There are currely 5 adveures i Hearhsoe,each oe addig a ew se of cards o he game。


Wild cards are cards ha are o loger available i Sadard play. They ca sill be used i Wild mode,whichallows players o use ay card ha has ever bee released i Hearhsoe. There are currely over 2000 wild我是cards iHearhsoe。


Hearhsoe has a vas collecio of cards . each wih is ow uique abiliies ad sas . Wheher you are a ew .player or a seasoed veera,here is always somehig ew o discover i Hearhsoe. We hope ha hiscomprehesive lis of cards will help you build he ulimaedeck ad achieve vicory i he game。

